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5 Ways to Slash your Multi-Cloud Spend

Organizations such as yours leverage public cloud services such as AWS, Azure, and VMware vCenter for more agility, flexibility, and to stay ahead of the curve. However, you’ll no doubt face challenges to reach these outcomes, especially around costs. Using spreadsheet models or manual scripting to understand your bills is not scalable. Spending hours or days analyzing spend information can prove counterintuitive. Don’t slow your cloud adoption because of these challenges.  

Watch to learn CloudBolt’s top 5 cost-saving recommendations, guaranteed to save you at least 20% on your cloud costs. Catch a short demo and get your cloud cost optimization questions answered by our experts.


2:45 - Top Challenges for Cloud Cost Optimization 

5:31 - How to Solve Your Cloud Cost Management & Optimization Challenges 

8:46 - Old Way vs. New Way of Cloud Cost Management & Optimization 

10:33 – 5 Top Recommendations To Reduce Your Multi-Cloud Spend 

15:44 - Cost Dashboard 

16:34 - Usage and Efficiency Reports 

17:22 - Savings Recommendations 

19:33 - Automate Cloud Spend Notifications