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Weekly CloudNews: Aligning Cloud Spend Management With Cloud Transformation

Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

Aligning Cloud Spend Management With Cloud Transformation

Venkata Achanti,, September 23, 2022

“The cloud transformation movement is well underway, with more than half of enterprise organizations moving to a cloud-native approach this year, according to Forrester Research. Spending on cloud infrastructure is rising accordingly – more than $21 billion in Q4 2021, up 13.5% from Q4 2020, according to IDC. The cloud offers economies of scale and connectivity that companies can leverage to optimize operations, make better use of their data and identify opportunities. However, if a company’s cloud infrastructure investment isn’t well planned, they can end up spending more than expected due to unplanned access costs, applications consuming more resources than expected and underperformance caused by inefficient architecture or lack of maintenance.

“Spending governance–creating and managing a budget that supports the company’s cloud goals–also helps to maintain cloud security by ensuring that there are adequate solutions in place to prevent phishing, ransomware and other attacks that can disrupt or disable an organization’s cloud operations. Financial monitoring allows organizations to accurately evaluate the cost-efficiency of the apps in their cloud ecosystem. This can help control costs and avoid situations where different groups add their own apps without first leveraging what’s already available or correctly gauging associated cloud spend. Unchecked app proliferation in the cloud can create a cycle that includes overconsumption of resources and security issues. ” READ MORE

Cloud delivers data — too much, for most companies

Matt Ashare, CIO Dive, September 23, 2022

“Cost, convenience and compute are the big C’s driving the cloud market. Climate is a more recent addition to the list — one that’s gaining ground as the market matures and the planet warms. Phase one of cloud was the great migration of data storage and applications that improved efficiency, provided access to greater computing power and, as a side benefit, brought significant carbon emissions reductions.

“The second phase moved beyond infrastructure to offer an ongoing proliferation of SaaS and other “as a Service” products, a further bump to operational convenience and efficiency. These innovations may not specifically target environmental, social and governance (ESG), but the flip side of efficiency is sustainability. Tech leaders are now counting on the next phase of cloud adoption — a migration of core business functions — to open new avenues for curbing greenhouse gasses.READ MORE

3 must-haves for your cloud finops program

David Linthicum, InfoWorld, September 27, 2022

“Now that things seem to be getting back to normal—traffic, delayed flights, and all those things we didn’t miss during the stay-home phase of the pandemic—it’s time to look at what work is going to be like post-pandemic. I found this article an interesting description of some of the human issues that are popping up and how technology needs to address most of these challenges.

“A few things are a reality. Although many employees may be showing up at work, a very large number are staying home. Or more likely, they’re operating in hybrid mode, working part of the time in the office and part of the time at home. This has been my personal way of working for the past 20 years, adding hotel rooms, client cubicles, airports, and Starbucks as default workspaces for consultants.” READ MORE

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