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Weekly CloudNews: Survey Surfaces General Sense of Cloud Insecurity in the Enterprise

Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

We’ve been in the news lately ourselves:

With that, onto this week’s news:

Survey Surfaces General Sense of Cloud Insecurity in the Enterprise

Michael Vizard, Security Boulevard, December 14, 2022

“A survey published today found well over half (59%) of respondents believed that moving to the cloud has made their enterprise less secure. The survey, conducted by CloudBolt Software, a provider of an IT automation platform, surveyed 350 IT leaders from large enterprises with more than 5,000 employees, revealed that well over three-quarters (79%) of respondents also questioned whether their companies are applying consistent levels of cloud security policy enforcement.

“More than two-thirds (68%) said their organizations’ security skillsets across all clouds were only somewhat mature. Another 20% described their skillsets as being relatively neutral. Nearly three-quarters of respondents (72%) admitted their organizations moved either to the cloud or multi-cloud environments without properly understanding the skills, maturity curve and security complexities involved. Over half (56%) also noted a lack of multi-cloud and cloud security expertise and resources, while 48% cited operational complexity and multi-cloud support as key concerns.” READ MORE

How engineering teams can collaborate with finance to build a FinOps culture

Laurent Gil, December 7, 2022

“Driven by a need for a faster and smoother software development process, the rising adoption rate of cloud-native technologies creates a massive knowledge gap between technical and non-technical teams. The State of FinOps survey showed that getting engineers to act on cost optimization recommendations is a top challenge for nearly 40% of respondents. FinOps is an approach that addresses that very challenge by offering a cluster of best practices applicable to every part of the organization. How can organizations take advantage of FinOps and spread awareness of cloud costs among both technical and business teams?

“Establish a common platform for cost visibility. Use historical cost data for fixing issues and budgeting. A recent survey revealed that cloud cost issues could cause serious disruptions to engineers’ work: 41% of respondents said cost problems cause interruptions that last at least a few hours per week. For 11%, cloud costs led to high interruption equivalent to a sprint or greater. Provide access to real-time cost data, third-party solutions that increase cost visibility fill this gap, allowing engineering teams to instantly identify cost spikes and keep their cloud expenses in check. To create a strong FinOps culture where both engineering and business teams understand and take ownership of cloud costs, organizations need to help these teams find common ground. That’s because cost data that make sense to finance may not resonate with engineers and vice versa. By equipping teams with a platform that delivers cost insights in the right format and location, organizations can take the first step to keep their costs under control.” READ MORE

The exploding multicloud management market

David Linthicum, December 13, 2022

“The multicloud management market is expected to grow at a steady rate of about 25% during the forecast period, mainly due to the uncertainty of single cloud services, the rising need for high levels of governance and security, and the growing complexity of cloud computing technology. Not only do we need additional tools to deal with multicloud complexity, but we can make things worse if we’re not careful. Tools can introduce another layer of complexity. Here are some of the mistakes I see.

“Multicloud tools themselves that become new silos: We need technologies that integrate across silos, such as public clouds, and enhance our ability to manage resources between silos, such as compute, storage, and databases. No overall multicloud management strategy: Companies really need an overarching vision in place—a strategy and plan that details the sequence of rolling out tools, processes, and even resources such as humans. Leaving out legacy and edge computing systems: A framework should include all systems that need to be integrated into the cloud. You need a strategy and technology stack for accessing data and processes on non-cloud systems, such as legacy and edge computing.” READ MORE

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The post Weekly CloudNews: Survey Surfaces General Sense of Cloud Insecurity in the Enterprise appeared first on CloudBolt Software.