Product Overviews

Simplified Management for AWS Resources

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Page 10 of 11 11 DATASHEET CloudBolt Capabilities for AWS AWS Services Supported Discoverable Resources Continuous Discovery & Refresh Supported VM Management Actions Multi-environment Blueprints Configuration Management Orchestration Power Scheduling Chargeback / Showback / Shameback Cloud Bursting Expiration Dates Resource Quotas & Limits Continuous Environment Testing VM Migration to Public Clouds EC2, ELB, RDS, S3, CloudFormation Templates, CloudWatch Metrics. Instances, regions, VPCs, Marketplace and Private AMIs, keypairs, instance types. On VMs: tags, HW resources, IP addresses, instance IDs. Discovery and full management of resources created outside of CloudBolt, plus updating of known resources (including changes initiated outside of CloudBolt). Scaling up & down, running scripts, power control, accessing ssh & RDP from within the browser, managing NICs & EIPs. CloudBolt blueprints can be set to be deployable to both AWS and any other set of clouds & virtualization systems. CloudBolt integrates deeply with Ansible, Chef, and Puppet to provide consistent configuration across public & private cloud environments. CloudBolt has 43 distinct trigger points where admins can choose to execute additional instructions in CloudBolt actions. Five different types of actions are available: remote scripts, webhooks, email hooks, external orchestration flows in vRO or HP OO, and CloudBolt Plug-ins. A weekly power schedule can be specified for VMs to shut them off during hours when they are not needed to save on costs. CloudBolt interprets the rate data published by AWS (and other cloud providers) to provide cost estimates & comparisons when ordering, show costs across environments, groups, and sets of servers, and also generate exportable per-group billing and trend reports. Services running in private virtualization systems can be set to scale to other environments (including public clouds) when they reach specified maximum thresholds, then back down when the load on the resources goes below minimum thresholds. This allows CloudBolt end users to build their private environments for baseline load, and rent resources for peak times. Yes, with per-environment and per-group configurable behavior at expiration time. Limits are settable on groups, environments (clusters), and per-user. Orders can be set as CIT tests within CloudBolt so deployments are tested nightly to ensure a healthy build pipeline. Yes, via integration with CloudEndure.

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