Product Overviews

Simplified Management for AWS Resources

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Page 3 of 11 4 DATASHEET Why Do Enterprises Need CloudBolt for AWS? FAST PROVISIONING, EASE OF USE AWS makes it possible for anyone with very simple or extremely complex sets of requirements to run dedicated and on-demand infrastructure in AWS cloud environments and scale the resources to fit fluctuating capacity requirements. As AWS resources are hosted in geographical regions across the globe, launching a VM from an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is routine for many developers who have been using AWS for years. New users typically find it unnecessarily complex. In spite of its complexity, enterprise IT leaders are now turning to AWS and many other private cloud and public cloud vendors to be included as viable options for their end users instead of having in-house IT configure on-premises infrastructure hosted in data centers that they own. These readily available resources have become a critical part of application development and IT service strategies. In fact, many teams within an organization have been going outside the central management of IT resources and running their own IT resources tied to their line of business within the organization and using cloud providers like AWS, MS Azure, and Google Cloud Platform to achieve their own objectives. IT leaders now want to consolidate these efforts and implement cloud resources more strategically across the enterprise. It's critical for them to support digital business initiatives with faster time-to-value resources. They want these resources available for any of their mission-critical internal digital services as well as for their external revenue-generating applications.

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