
Manage Terraform Environments with Ease

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Page 1 of 3 2 FASTER SPEED AND CONSISTENCY The goal of IaC is to make things faster by elimina ng manual processes and elimina ng the slack in the process. A code-based approach makes it easier to get more done in less me. No need to wait on the IT admin to manually complete the task at hand before he can get to the next one. This also means that you can iterate quickly and more o en. Consistency is another vital benefit of IaC. You do not need to worry about tasks not being completed because it is a weekend or because your admin is focused on something else. EFFICIENT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE IaC shi s the power into the developer's hands. As the infrastructure provisioning becomes more reliable and consistent, developers can start focusing on applica on development more. Also, they can script once and use that code mul ple mes, thus, saving me and effort while keeping complete control. REDUCED MANAGEMENT OVERHEAD In a data center world there was a need to have admins to govern and manage storage, networking, compute and other layers of hardware and middleware. IaC eliminates a need for these mul ple roles. Those admins can now focus on iden fying the next exci ng technology they want to implement. Developers love the power of Terraform for infrastructure provisioning and management. However, IT opera ons do not get complete visibility and some mes lose track of resource usage crea ng management issues. Some organiza ons feel Terraform is very developer-focused with a steep learning curve and does not provide the necessary levers to control resources be er. BENEFITS OF INFRASTRUCTURE-AS-CODE CHALLENGES

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