
VMware vRealize Automation Migration Guide for 2022

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13 Approval Policies, Reserva ons, Business Groups, and other Constructs When looking at these other constructs, the assessment tool is really just looking at the custom proper es defined on the constructs. If the assessment tool sees vRA7 reserved proper es that are not supported within vRA8, the tool will flag these proper es as "Ready with warnings." Otherwise, these proper es will be considered "Ready." The assessment tool may give you some insights into what you should look out for, but, in its current form, the tool's output can be very misleading. The best approach to building a migra on plan is to start with a manual assessment. When using third party integra ons, custom integra ons, and your own proper es, the assessment tool just doesn't have the insight to know if the proper es are supported. Also, keep in mind the differences in concepts and constructs between vRA7 and vRA8. These changes may be cause to rethink how you accomplished something in vRA7, and may jus fy a change in property loca ons. In Part 1 of this two-part series on the vRealize Automa on Migra on Assessment Tool, we looked at the vRA8 migra on tool to see how it might help you plan your migra on from vRA7 to vRA8. In this ar cle, we are going to look at what it will take to migrate your custom workflows from vRA7 to vRA8. To start, we will explore what a custom workflow looks like today in vRA7. vRA7 Workflow Components In vRA 7, there are several components that come together to make the magic happen. Each component plays a vital role in how you design, build, and invoke your customiza ons. Event Broker The event broker was introduced in vRA7 to make it easier to trigger the workflow stubs that existed within the IaaS server. These stubs were always there, but only a handful were accessible and they were not easy to configure. The Event Broker also introduced a more granular way to decide when a workflow should or should not be executed. Although the event broker has dozens of events you could subscribe to the following were the most commonly used: • Machine Requested • Building Machine • Machine Provisioned • Machine Ac vated • Machine Destroyed Many of these states included a pre- and a post-execu on allowing you to decide if you wanted to execute your workflow before or a er vRA's execu on of that state. These states that are the core of vRA7 extensibility no longer exist in vRA8. vRA 8 has introduced new event subscrip on topics that — in the long term — could be very welcomed; however, in the short term, it will mean reworking all your exis ng workflow customiza ons. These new event subscrip on topics are listed below. M I G R AT I O N G U I D E

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