
VMware vRealize Automation Migration Guide for 2022

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16 There Is Another Op on I'm sure many of you were hoping that workflows that you build, are building, or have built for use in vRA 7 would be somewhat transferable to vRA 8. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it will be that easy. To salvage your current workflows, you will need to consider the following ques ons. Does your vRA7 workflow... • rely on proper es from vRA7 constructs to make decisions? • rely on the vRA7 payload the schema associated with it? • rely on the vRA plugin for vRO? If you answered yes to even one of these ques ons, then you will have to rework your workflows for use in vRA8. Or will you?!? There is another op on. We have been helping many vRA customers migrate away from their customiza ons on vRA7 using OneFuse. Whether you are solely using lifecycle workflows, or using XaaS Blueprints in vRA to meet your business needs, we can help. For example, many customers decide to use vRA onboarding vs. using the vRA migra on assistant due to the complexi es of prerequisites from the assistant. For customers using onboarding, OneFuse provides a migra on workflow that u lizes property sets to bulk import selec ve VMs and their metadata and can perform transla ons to property keys/values and add or omit any metadata – all without any custom code! Here are several ways we help customers move beyond vRA7 while reducing tech debt, management overhead and complexity: 1. Produc zed solu on: Less custom coding or services and overall lower costs, higher func onality, higher quality and faster turn on of more automa on. Product support model, including roadmap and upgrades future proofs investment. 2. Portability: Re-use of integra ons between mul ple vRA components (code stream, vRO, Cloud Assembly machine lifecycle, custom resources, ABX) and mul ple tools/pla orms (vRA, Terraform, Ansible, ServiceNow, etc.) lowers overhead and reduces tech debt 3. Security and compliance: Improve security posture through template-based automa on over custom scripts and workflows. Implement least privilege through a policy-based service approach that provides guard rails for use cases. 4. Consump on model: Improve standardiza on and consump on within and across automa on tools, enabling new use cases to be delivered faster with more consistency and less complexity. 5. Assessment tool: Learn more about your environment and dependencies to help you plan the migra on from vRA7 with confidence. M I G R AT I O N G U I D E

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