
VMware vRealize Automation Migration Guide for 2022

Issue link: https://resources.cloudbolt.io/i/1443939

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7 Wildcard Policy Selec on: In past versions of vRA 7, you didn't have the op on to specify, for example, that your administra ve group be en tled to all machine level ac ons. Instead, you had to individually select each of the 20+ ac ons you wanted to en tle to administra ve users of the business group. In vRA8, policies have a feature that allows you to specify a wildcard at any level of permissioning so that you can easily grant all permissions at the level required. For example, to en tle every single ac on for every single type, you would simply select the '*' wildcard: If you wanted to grant access to every vSphere level ac on, you would select Cloud.vSphere.Machine.* Or if you had a user that only needed access to ac ons for vSphere Disk and Network related ac ons, you could do the following: M I G R AT I O N G U I D E

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