
VMware vRealize Automation Migration Guide for 2022

Issue link: https://resources.cloudbolt.io/i/1443939

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Page 14 of 17

14 • Deployment Level ° Deployment Requested ° Compute Reserva on ° Compute Alloca on ° Network Configure ° Deployment Completed • Network Level ° Deployment Resource Requested ° Deployment Resource Completed • Machine Level ° Deployment Resource Requested ° Compute Reserva on ° Deployment Requested ° Compute Reserva on As you can see, this change is significant to the event subscrip ons as well as the overall lifecycle that a virtual machine goes through when it is requested. This change alone is not so bad, right? Simply setup new subscrip ons to execute your exis ng vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) workflows and all is good, right? Well, not exactly. Event Schemas In vRealize Automa on, all of the Events that are part of the Event Broker have a schema. Looking at the schema for LifeCycle Events in vRA7, you will no ce that it includes items like machine, lifecyclestate, proper es, and virtualmachineAddorUpdateProper es. These items are all included in what is commonly known as the Payload. The payload is sent to vRO and you can then reference informa on about the request. You can access all the custom proper es associated with the request under machine.proper es. All workflows built using vRA7 use this payload to take in informa on such as proper es and also write back updated informa on using the virtualMachineAddorUpdateProper es to impact the outcome of the request. The payload is sent by vRA. Then, you extract the informa on you are looking for using the schema below. That data is then used throughout your workflow. M I G R AT I O N G U I D E

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