In vRA8, this payload has changed significantly. In fact, it has changed so much that it's not even
called payload anymore. It's new name is "Inputs". Not only has the name changed, but what is
included has changed as well. If we start to look at the machine.proper es item in vRA7, we know it
included all the custom proper es associated with the request, including inputs to blueprint
proper es, business group proper es, property groups, reserva ons, compute resources, and
endpoint proper es. vRA8 uses a different methodology and has very limited support for
proper es. These similar constructs now use tags.
This change is a major shi in the architecture. Most workflows are built around these concepts
and being able to acquire the needed informa on from the proper es being defined in the
appropriate loca ons. Because of this change, workflows built to run on vRA7 will not func on on
vRA8. Below is the schema from the "Compute Provision" state in vRA8. No ce the differences
between this vRA8 schema (below) and the vRA7 schema (above).
The vRA plugin for vRO
If you were building vRO workflows for vRA7, you are most likely using the vRA plugin for vRO.
The plugin allows you to create endpoints for both the IaaS host as well as the Cafe host to be
used in your workflows. The vRA7 plugin for vRO also has a number of prebuilt ac ons and
workflows that you can use to make your life easier. As of vRA 8.4 and above, there is now a vRA
plug-in for vRO. The plug-in sample content covers several use cases by abstrac ng vRA8/vRAC
APIs including REST opera ons, Event Broker, Tag and Custom Proper es, Deployment Day2
opera ons, Organiza on onboarding, Request/Approvals, Types conversion and Dynamic Types.
Samples list: h ps://developer.vmware.com/samples?id=7650